Experiences with SNP analyses in forensic cases

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Claus Børsting - Lecturer

The SNPforID consortium (http://www.snpfordi.org/) developed a 52plex SNP assay for human identification purposes in 2006 (Sanchez et al. (2006) Electrophoresis 27, 1713-1724). A total of 52 autosomal SNPs were amplified in one PCR reaction and the SNPs were subsequently detected by Single Base Extention (SBE) and capillary electrophoresis. With a few modifications to increase the overall robustness and sensitivity of the assay, the SNPforID multiplex was validated for forensic case work in 2007. For the past three years, the assay has been used in all paternity and immigration cases that were not trios, and as a supplementary investigation in trio cases, where the conclusion based on the investigation of 15 autosomal STRs was ambiguous. Here, we present our experiences with SNP analyses in relationship case work and show results from four case work examples. In addition, we present SNP typing results from experiments performed on highly degraded DNA.
10 Sep 2010

Event (Conference)

Title  Meeting of the English Speaking Working Group (ESWG) of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG)

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